The LADWP wants to use our money to build a gas power plant.

Leave a public comment and say no dirty fuel.

Tuesday, Jan. 26, 10am


Public Comment IS CLOSED

You can also email them here:

You can still tweet at them: @LADWP @smr1218 @mcclainhill


On Tuesday, Jan. 26, 10am, dial in to (213) 306-3065. Next, enter the meeting number: 1462270825# and press # again. The phone line will open at 9:45 AM and staff will allow each caller to speak for about 1 minute during the meeting. You will speak on agenda item 8 C.

Video Live Stream and agenda:



Use personal stories

Speak from the heart 

Express solidarity with labor

Use facts to your advantage

Express a belief that they are capable of what we are asking


Don’t insult the Los Angeles Dept of Water and Power, their board, their union, or their staff

Don’t be confrontational - they’re very close to making the right decision

  • Key demands:

    • Do not repower Intermountain Power Plant with fossil gas. Find ways to use more renewable energy.

    • Although our first choice was proven renewables, we would support a 100% electrolyzed hydrogen facility opening in 2025, which LADWP has repeatedly described as ambitious, but potentially possible. 

    • Invest in more microgrid technology specifically in communities of color.

  • Why are we here today?

    • LADWP is trying to rebuild a new fossil fuel power plant at Intermountain in Utah currently burning coal with fossil gas. They don’t have to. We don’t want them to.
      Spending money on more fossil fuel infrastructure is a step backwards in the fight against climate change. Building this new gas infrastructure will hook us onto dirty energy for decades to come, at a time when we need to be boldly transitioning to a clean energy economy. We must call on the LAWDP to do the same to the Intermountain Power Plant in Utah, while providing a pathway to clean energy and green jobs.

Example script: Hi, my name is Kevin, and I have a public comment on item 8 C. I’m a resident of Los Angeles, calling to oppose all new fossil fuel infrastructure. We are out of time to address the climate crisis and must make our electric grid 100% renewable immediately.

The proposed gas plant in Utah at Intermountain is an unnecessary setback that would invest in a dying industry. Burbank Water and Power has called the gas plant a stranded asset that will be “uneconomical prior to the end of its operational life”. LADWP has said in the past that they may have the capacity to make the plant 100% renewable from Day 1 in 2025. I believe LADWP’s workers and engineers have the skills to solve this problem, if they are directed to do so by the Board. I also believe the problem will be easier to solve if we get started on it right away.

Two City Councilmembers in the cities of Burbank and Glendale have called for the Intermountain plant to be 100% renewable from Day 1 in 2025, as have three Councilmembers in Los Angeles, and Assemblymember Friedman. I urge the Board to commit to the 2025 deadline and put the commitment in writing. Thank you for your time.

For more information on Intermountain, or a full list of which people and organizations have signed the letter opposing fossil fuels there, you can find more info on, and the full letter here.

And for bonus points, you can mention you support the following program that is on the agenda for Tuesday:

  • “Virtual net metering program”: a community solar initiative that would allow apartment residents to power their homes with solar. It’s a good program, but at just 5 megawatts, it is too small - LADWP should approve this, and then aim higher.