Irvine City Council will consider a temporary wage hike for grocery workers.

Leave a public comment demanding livable wages.

Tues, Feb 9th, 4pm



Agenda Item 5.4, If approved, all grocery outlets in the city with over 85,000 square feet would be required to give workers a $4 an hour pay increase for the next 120 days. The ordinance also says stores cannot cut down hours or otherwise harm workers to make up the difference. The item was submitted by Mayor Farrah Khan.

VoiceOfOC News Article:

Agenda Item link:


ecomment link:

e-Comments will not be read aloud during the meeting but a printout will be provided the City Councilmembers.


Call in at 4pm on Tuesday, Feb 9th, 2021:

Meeting ID: 996 8137 2072

Passcode: 339772

Please provide your name in the Zoom application to allow the City Clerk to call you when it is your time to talk.



  • Express solidarity with labor

Possible discussion topics in your public comment:

  • wage stagnation despite increasing productivity.

  • how wage amounts are not connected to the price of products

  • increasing income inequality, worsened by the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • How the ceos of these companies make millions and the profits are stolen from workers. (Exploitation of Labor)

  • Talk about how people deserve to get paid more for risking their lives serving the community.

  • Many workers are people of color, economic justice is racial justice.

  • People do not have money for rent, food, school supplies, medicine, healthcare, basic needs, and bills.

  • How this measure would stimulate the economy and improve thousands of lives.

  • People deserve hazard pay because of their risk to covid-19.

  • Be brave, do the right thing.

    DO NOT:

  • Insult the council

    Example e-Comment (please don’t copy mine, no plagiarism lolz):

    My name is _____, I’m with sunrise movement. We are in a crisis of wage stagnation. Covid-19 has worsened income inequality, during a period when the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. People cannot afford food, rent, or medicine. We demand the council to do the right thing and give people higher wages instead of letting the rich exploit these grocery workers. People deserve living wages. We demand the council extend the pay increase indefinitely. We express solidarity with the workers risking their lives for our communities and their unions. Economic Justice is Climate Justice.

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